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Celebrating Women in Medicine Month

This September, WPHP proudly joins the national celebration of Women in Medicine Month, recognizing the extraordinary impact of women physicians who shape the future of healthcare. These trailblazers aren’t just advancing patient care—they’re leading with empathy, mentoring the next generation, and driving innovation that transforms the medical field.

Legacy and Leadership of Women in Medicine

Women in medicine have consistently defied obstacles to achieve remarkable milestones. From advocating for patient rights to revolutionizing medical research, they have pushed the boundaries of what’s possible in the healthcare community. As mentors and advocates, women physicians create inclusive, compassionate environments that foster growth and progress for all.

Supporting Physician Wellness

At WPHP, we recognize that the path for women in medicine often comes with unique challenges. That’s why supporting physician wellness is central to our mission. During Women in Medicine Month, we are reminded that the wellness of women physicians not only strengthens the individuals who inspire but also builds a more resilient healthcare community for all.

Spotlight on Dr. Laura Moss: A Leader in Physician Wellness

This Women in Medicine Month, we’re proud to highlight our very own, Associate Medical Director, Laura Moss, MD, whose time at WPHP exemplifies the impact women physicians have on healthcare and physician wellness. Dr. Moss joined WPHP in 2016, bringing her expertise in psychiatry and addiction medicine to our clinical team. Before joining WPHP, Dr. Moss served as the Medical Director at Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation’s Oregon site, led the Women’s Trauma and Recovery Center at the Seattle VA Hospital, and was Assistant Professor at the University of Washington. At WPHP, her commitment to physician wellness ensures that healthcare professionals can get the support they need and continue serving their communities.

Shaping a Healthier Future Together

As we honor Women in Medicine, we recognize that the future of healthcare depends on the strength, leadership, and resilience of women physicians. By supporting their wellness and celebrating their achievements, we create a brighter future for the healthcare system.

Join us in celebrating Dr. Laura Moss and all the remarkable women in medicine who inspire us with their dedication. Let’s continue to support their work and their well-being to ensure a stronger healthcare community for generations to come.

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Uncovering the Prevalence of Mental Health and SUD Among Physicians: Insights from Dr. Greenberg and Dr. Bundy

In a world where physicians face immense pressure, substance use disorders (SUD) can be a hidden struggle. Dr. Michael Greenberg and Dr. Chris Bundy recently discussed this issue on ReachMD’s Clinician’s Roundtable podcast, offering invaluable insights over two engaging episodes.

Dr. Greenberg and Dr. Bundy shed light on the prevalence of substance use disorders among physicians, highlighting the stressors and burnout that contribute to this challenge. They revealed that SUD rates among doctors mirror those of the general population, underscoring the importance of addressing this issue within the medical community.

Dr. Bundy outlined various treatment options, including physician health programs and support groups tailored for doctors. Additionally, they addressed how family members and colleagues can navigate concerns about a physician’s substance use, emphasizing the need for compassion and support.

As Dr. Greenberg and Dr. Bundy aptly put it, seeking help is the first step towards recovery. By fostering open conversations and promoting awareness, we can create a healthier and more supportive environment for physicians facing substance use disorders.

The podcast episodes offer a deep dive into this critical issue, providing valuable insights and guidance. Check out the two-part discussion on ReachMD’s Clinician’s Roundtable podcast. Together, let’s support our colleagues on the journey towards healing and wellness.


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WPHP attends the 2023 ACPH Conference

What is ACPH?

The American Conference on Physician Health (ACPH) is a conference that brings together experts, healthcare professionals, and organizations committed to enhancing physician well-being.

Promoting Research and Discourse

One of the primary objectives of ACPH is to foster research and discourse surrounding physician health. By gathering medical professionals and healthcare leaders under one roof ACPH serves as a platform for sharing the latest research, studies, and insights in the field of physician well-being. Attendees have the unique opportunity to engage in discussions that lead to a deeper understanding of the challenges physicians face and the potential solutions that can be implemented.

Professional Satisfaction in Medical Practice

Improving physician well-being ultimately leads to higher levels of professional satisfaction. ACPH equips attendees with the tools and knowledge they need to create a work environment that promotes satisfaction among physicians. This, in turn, benefits both healthcare providers and the patients they serve.

A Candid Conversation: Dr. Bundy and Dr. Cunningham

Dr. Christopher Bundy and Dr. Carrie Cunningham came together to co-present a session titled “Physician Health Programs: A Candid Conversation.” This insightful discussion offered attendees a unique opportunity to gain deeper insights into the challenges and opportunities related to physician well-being programs.

In a profession where the well-being of physicians directly impacts patient care, the American Conference on Physician Health (ACPH) is a crucial step toward a brighter and healthier future. By promoting research, addressing health system infrastructure, and providing actionable steps for organizations, ACPH empowers physicians and healthcare organizations to create an environment where professional satisfaction and well-being thrive

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Highlights from the 2023 FSPHP Western Regional Meeting

WPHP had the privilege of attending the 2023 FSPHP Western Regional Meeting on October 6th. This gathering brought together a diverse group of attendees, including all FSPHP Member Classes and PHP Members, all united by a common goal: to explore the world of physician health and impairment.

One of the many enriching segments of the meeting was the Round Robin, where each PHP provided a short summary of their organization. PHP staff members were introduced, and important details about the size, budget, funding sources, and current conditions of each PHP were shared. The discussion also delved into referral patterns, successes, and challenges faced by each organization. This was a valuable opportunity to learn from one another, discover common ground, and explore new initiatives in the field.

Understanding the vital connection between physician health programs and medical boards was another highlight of the meeting. Christopher Bundy, MD, MPH, FASAM, Executive Medical Director of the Washington Physicians Health Program, Beth Jensen, DO, Lead Physician of the South Dakota Physician Health and Wellness Program, and John Kuhn, MD, Director of the Oklahoma Health Professionals Program shared their insights and shed light on the importance of strong relationships between these entities for the benefit of physicians and the public.

The event concluded with a session on PHP difficult case presentations, led by Laura Martin, MD, Associate Medical Director of the Colorado Physician Health Program, and Laura Moss, MD, Associate Medical Director of the Washington Physicians Health Program. This segment provided a deeper understanding of the challenges and complexities that PHPs encounter in their daily work.

Events like these serve as a reminder of the positive impact that collaboration and knowledge sharing can have on the medical community. We are excited to carry this inspiration forward as we continue our journey in the field of physician health and impairment.

Together we can make a difference in the lives of physicians and by extension, the health of our communities.

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Addressing Burnout Among Healthcare Professionals: Insights from CPE Annual Meeting

At the recent CPE Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, Dr. Bundy had the opportunity to present and facilitated meaningful dialogue on a pressing concern within the medical community: burnout among health professionals undergoing practice assessment or remediation. This included a dive into the prevailing landscape of burnout identification and intervention, examination of the gaps and unmet needs specific to burnout, innovative strategies to bridge the identified gaps and provide support for healthcare professionals during assessment or remediation, and exploring exciting opportunities for additional research in the field of healthcare well-being.

We encourage you to stay engaged with this crucial topic and actively participate in the ongoing conversation about healthcare professional well-being. Together, we can drive positive change in the healthcare landscape.

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National Physician Suicide Awareness Day

September 17th is National Physician Suicide Awareness Day. This somber occasion highlights a stark and often overlooked issue within the medical community. While physicians are the dedicated healers we turn to in times of need, they, too, suffer silently from a hidden epidemic: an alarmingly high suicide rate. On this day, we unite to bring this pressing problem to the forefront, with the hope of promoting awareness, fostering understanding, and ultimately, saving lives.

Physicians dedicate their lives to the service of others, committing themselves to a profession that demands unwavering dedication, resilience, and empathy. However, many physicians face a daunting challenge that threatens their well-being: an alarmingly high rate of suicide. Over half of all physicians have known a colleague who has grappled with suicidal thoughts, attempted to take their own life, or tragically lost their battle to depression and despair.

To comprehend the gravity of the situation, it is crucial to recognize the numerous challenges that physicians encounter daily:

Evolving Practice Environments: The medical field is constantly evolving, with new technologies, treatments, and guidelines emerging regularly. Keeping up with these changes can be overwhelming and lead to immense stress.

Early Retirements: Many physicians are forced into early retirement due to burnout or the overwhelming demands of their profession. This not only affects their financial stability but also exacerbates the shortage of healthcare workers.

Healthcare Worker Shortages: The medical community is grappling with a shortage of healthcare workers, which places added pressure on those who remain. The resulting workload can be overwhelming, leading to burnout and mental health struggles.

Mounting Patient Disparities: Physicians often find themselves navigating the challenging terrain of healthcare disparities, where they witness firsthand the unequal access to quality care. This can be emotionally taxing, as they strive to provide the best care possible despite systemic limitations.

It’s imperative that we acknowledge the toll these factors take on the mental health of physicians. Burnout rates are on the rise, and the emotional strain of their profession can lead to severe consequences. On National Physician Suicide Awareness Day, we must commit to addressing this crisis and taking proactive steps to support our healers. For those who may be struggling with mental health issues or know someone who is, help is available. Click the link below to access valuable suicide prevention resources and support, whether you are a physician yourself or concerned about the well-being of a medical professional

Resources and Support 

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WPHP attends the 2023 Florida PRN Conference

Washington Physicians Health Program (WPHP) was delighted to attend the Florida PRN (Professionals Resource Network) Annual Conference. It was an occasion to engage with fellow healthcare professionals, share experiences, and collaborate toward the common goal of ensuring the well-being of healthcare providers while safeguarding the public’s health and safety.

Through programs like PRN and the connections forged at conferences like this one, healthcare professionals are encouraged to seek help, address their challenges, and continue providing quality care to the public.

More about the The Professionals Resource Network

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WPHP Presents at the American Dental Association Summit

At the recent American Dental Association (ADA) Health and Well-Being Summit, Dr. Chris Bundy had the privilege of presenting with FSPHP Executive Director Linda Bresnahan on the critical role of Physician Health and Health Professional Programs. The one-day summit was a platform to address the significance of prioritizing the well-being of the dental community and foster collaboration regarding the importance of supporting healthcare providers who may be facing personal or professional challenges. These challenges can range from burnout and mental health issues to substance use disorders. During the presentation, Dr. Bundy and Ms. Bresnahan emphasized the pivotal role that Physician Health and Health Professional Programs play in addressing these challenges. These programs are designed to provide confidential and compassionate support to healthcare professionals, ensuring they receive the help they need while protecting patient safety. While the value of these programs is undeniable, several challenges hinder their recognition and effectiveness:

Culture of Silence: In many healthcare settings, a culture of silence around personal struggles persists, making it difficult for providers to seek help.

Over-Reliance on Self-Identification: Healthcare professionals often bear the burden of identifying their own issues, which may not always happen due to stigma or lack of self-awareness.

Lack of Awareness of PHP: Many providers are unaware of the existence and purpose of Physician Health Programs.

Mis/Disinformation: Misconceptions and misinformation can cloud the understanding of these programs’ objectives and confidentiality.

Confused with Regulatory Entities (Dental Boards): Confusion between Health Professional Programs and regulatory bodies like dental boards can lead to misunderstandings about their roles.

Real and Perceived Burdens of Participation: Concerns about costs and perceived burdens can deter providers from seeking help.

Lack of Clear Policies and Procedures: The absence of clear guidelines for referrals to PHPs when concerns of impairment arise can lead to inconsistent practices.

Unsustainable/Undesirable Practice Variation Among PHPs: Inconsistencies in the approach of different Physician Health Programs can lead to variations in support quality.

Funding: Adequate funding and resources are essential to ensure the effectiveness of these programs.

The dental community, like many other healthcare sectors, faces unique stressors and demands. By prioritizing the well-being of providers and addressing these challenges collectively, we can help them lead healthier, more fulfilling lives and ensure that patients receive the best possible care. WPHP was honored to participate in the ADA summit and shed light on the importance of Physician Health and Health Professional Programs. By recognizing the challenges faced by healthcare providers and prioritizing their well-being, we can create a healthcare system that is healthier, more compassionate, and ultimately better for both providers and patients.


Learn More About The ADA Here

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Washington Physicians Health Program Stands With Our Healthcare Heroes

Meet Cary, a 42-year-old podiatric physician whose life recently took a challenging turn. Cary’s story, although fictional, sheds light on the vital role played by the Washington Physicians Health Program in times of adversity.

Read Cary’s remarkable transformation in Dr. Bundy’s contribution Washington State Podiatric Medical Association’s Newsletter.

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WPHP Advocacy

Learn more about our advocacy work and the positive changes we’ve made in the latest edition of the WMC newsletter!

Read the full update here.


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Karl Pister’s Podcast on Collaborative Relationships


Listen to Karl Pister’s podcast episode featuring Dr. Chris Bundy where they explore a range of topics from relationship-building to burnout in healthcare professionals.



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KevinMD article features Dr. Tammie Chang

A recent KevinMD article features Tammie ChangMD, on the power of grace – for others and for ourselves amidst the challenges of COVID. 

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Dr. Bundy presenting at the IDAA Annual Meeting!

Dr. Chris Bundy, MD, MPH and Dr. Lynn Hankes, WPHP Medical Director Emeritus will be presenting at the IDAA Annual Meeting in West Palm Beach, Florida. They are presenting on the past, present and future of physician health programs. Learn more about IDAA and the Annual Meeting 

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Volunteers Needed for COVID-19 Response Work

A great opportunity to be of service to our community!

As Washington takes more steps to reduce the spread of COVID-19 the Department of Health (DOH) will now enroll and activate emergency volunteer health care workers in preparation for health system requests and surging. This will help the state meet emerging demands for health care workers. Many profession types are needed to help in response efforts. Both Washington-licensed and out-of-state health care professionals can volunteer.

More information about participating in the Uniform Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioner Act is available here.

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