Need assistance or ready to help a physician in need?

Make a Referral

Referrals to WPHP protect the lives of healthcare professionals and the patients they serve. Existing state and federal laws allow WPHP to protect the identity of participants and referent(s) as long as they are compliant with WPHP recommendations and do not pose a risk to themselves or their patients.

In 90% of cases, WPHP participants’ identities, circumstances, and participation with WPHP remain confidential and do not involve disclosure to the applicable state licensing/disciplinary authority.

Thank you for helping someone in need.


For an Individual Considering Making a Referral

Referrals to WPHP protect the lives of healthcare professionals and the patients they serve.  While the decision to make a referral can be both intellectually and emotionally challenging, referring a peer, colleague, spouse, friend, or even yourself is a courageous act of compassion and concern.

  • Anyone with a concern can make a confidential referral to WPHP.
  • Washington state law provides immunity from civil liability for referral sources. The identities of referral sources are safeguarded to the maximum extent permitted by law.
  • As a license holder, healthcare employer, or hospital, you may be required to identify another licensed health-care professional with a condition, physical or mental, that may affect their ability to practice with reasonable safety (Washington Administrative Code 246-16-200 through 246-16-270).
  • As long as patient harm has not occurred, you can make a confidential referral to WPHP in lieu of a report to the Department of Health disciplinary authority.

Please contact us at 206-583-0127 to discuss questions or concerns or to make a referral.

For Healthcare Organizations

WPHP works with healthcare organizations to resolve concerns regarding impairment or disruptive behavior in the workplace. As a healthcare employer, you are required to identify licensed healthcare professionals with conditions, physical or mental, that may affect one’s ability to practice with reasonable safety to patients (Washington Administrative Code 246-16-200 through 246-16-270). As long as patient harm has not occurred, you can make a referral to WPHP in lieu of a report to the Department of Health disciplinary authority. You can call WPHP at any time to discuss concerns and obtain guidance about whether a referral is appropriate.

WPHP works with internal Human Resources departments, wellness programs, credentialing bodies, and medical executives to develop plans that address concerns regarding impairment and recovery monitoring. Healthcare employers enjoy the reassurance that employees recovering from potentially impairing illnesses are actively monitored by WPHP with regular status reports provided to the employer. In instances of disruptive behavior in the workplace, a referral to WPHP may be the next step in remediation when internal human resources or disciplinary actions have failed to be effective.


For Concerned Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare professionals are important guardians of the health of their patients, but are often hesitant to seek help for their colleagues or themselves. It is imperative to recognize and support personal health throughout each stage of professional development – as students, residents, and seasoned professionals. Early detection and evaluation promote the best opportunity for a successful outcome. WPHP provides services that include outreach, crisis intervention, informal assessment, health support agreements, and support for healthcare professionals.

  • All healthcare professionals licensed by the Department of Health in the state of Washington are required to identify any other license holder who has a condition, physical or mental, that may affect his or her ability to practice with reasonable safety (RCW 18.130.070).
  • This reporting requirement can be fulfilled by contacting WPHP or the individual’s regulatory board or commission (RCW 18.130.175). We strongly recommend that a concerned party fulfill this requirement by calling WPHP. WPHP is a confidential therapeutic alternative to public action by the disciplinary authority.
  • Incidents of patient harm or sexual misconduct must be reported directly to the Department of Health.

Referral Form

To make a referral, call 206-583-0127 or submit a referral form. This form is confidential; however if you would like to make an anonymous referral, please write anonymous in the relevant fields.