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WPHP Presents at the American Dental Association Summit

At the recent American Dental Association (ADA) Health and Well-Being Summit, Dr. Chris Bundy had the privilege of presenting with FSPHP Executive Director Linda Bresnahan on the critical role of Physician Health and Health Professional Programs. The one-day summit was a platform to address the significance of prioritizing the well-being of the dental community and foster collaboration regarding the importance of supporting healthcare providers who may be facing personal or professional challenges. These challenges can range from burnout and mental health issues to substance use disorders. During the presentation, Dr. Bundy and Ms. Bresnahan emphasized the pivotal role that Physician Health and Health Professional Programs play in addressing these challenges. These programs are designed to provide confidential and compassionate support to healthcare professionals, ensuring they receive the help they need while protecting patient safety. While the value of these programs is undeniable, several challenges hinder their recognition and effectiveness:

Culture of Silence: In many healthcare settings, a culture of silence around personal struggles persists, making it difficult for providers to seek help.

Over-Reliance on Self-Identification: Healthcare professionals often bear the burden of identifying their own issues, which may not always happen due to stigma or lack of self-awareness.

Lack of Awareness of PHP: Many providers are unaware of the existence and purpose of Physician Health Programs.

Mis/Disinformation: Misconceptions and misinformation can cloud the understanding of these programs’ objectives and confidentiality.

Confused with Regulatory Entities (Dental Boards): Confusion between Health Professional Programs and regulatory bodies like dental boards can lead to misunderstandings about their roles.

Real and Perceived Burdens of Participation: Concerns about costs and perceived burdens can deter providers from seeking help.

Lack of Clear Policies and Procedures: The absence of clear guidelines for referrals to PHPs when concerns of impairment arise can lead to inconsistent practices.

Unsustainable/Undesirable Practice Variation Among PHPs: Inconsistencies in the approach of different Physician Health Programs can lead to variations in support quality.

Funding: Adequate funding and resources are essential to ensure the effectiveness of these programs.

The dental community, like many other healthcare sectors, faces unique stressors and demands. By prioritizing the well-being of providers and addressing these challenges collectively, we can help them lead healthier, more fulfilling lives and ensure that patients receive the best possible care. WPHP was honored to participate in the ADA summit and shed light on the importance of Physician Health and Health Professional Programs. By recognizing the challenges faced by healthcare providers and prioritizing their well-being, we can create a healthcare system that is healthier, more compassionate, and ultimately better for both providers and patients.


Learn More About The ADA Here