What is the Washington Physicians Health Program (WPHP)?
For more than 35 years, WPHP has earned a reputation as Washington’s trusted resource for restoring the health of medical professionals. WPHP is an independent, physician-led, nonprofit organization providing early intervention, assessment, treatment referral, and post-treatment health support for those in need. Our confidential support and exceptional outcomes provide reassurance of safe practice and promote workforce sustainability.
Who does WPHP serve?
WPHP provides services to allopathic, osteopathic and podiatric physicians, dentists, veterinarians, anesthesiology assistants, and physician assistants, as well as students and residents of these professions. Active licensure is not a requirement for participation.
What if I am not a doctor, dentist, veterinarian, anesthesiology assistant, or physician assistant?
WPHP provides services to allopathic, osteopathic and podiatric physicians, dentists, veterinarians, anesthesiology assistants, and physician assistants, as well as students and residents of these disciplines. Active licensure is not a requirement for participation. If you are not one of the preceding professionals, we can refer you to another program within the state.
How long has WPHP offered services for healthcare professionals?
With more than 35 years of developed expertise, service commitment, and outstanding outcomes, WPHP has earned the trust and support of the medical community in Washington and the program participants we serve. WPHP was founded in 1986 by a group of concerned members of the Washington State Medical Association who wanted their colleagues to receive treatment, rather than discipline, when illness threatened safe practice. Today, WPHP is an independent, physician-led, nonprofit organization providing critical support to Washington’s health professional workforce.
Can you tell me more about WPHP confidentiality?
WPHP provides confidential assistance to healthcare professionals with conditions that may negatively impact practice performance. Referrals to WPHP help protect the well-being of healthcare professionals and the patients they serve. Strong confidentiality protections encourage early intervention in the illness process before impairment occurs and when the prognosis for full recovery is most favorable. Please see our Confidentiality page for more information.
How do I make a confidential referral to WPHP?
Anyone with a concern can make a confidential referral to WPHP by calling 206-583-0127 or by visiting our website at WPHP.org and submitting a referral form.
What happens when someone is referred to WPHP?
Our clinical staff triages all referrals and determines the appropriate course of action. Corroboration from discrete outside sources may be necessary and the professional is contacted to schedule a meeting with WPHP. The WPHP initial assessment process explores reported concerns and determines the need for further evaluation and/or treatment. If additional evaluation and/or treatment is not necessary, WPHP provides endorsement that the professional can return to work. When additional evaluation or treatment is indicated, our clinical team determines acceptable options.
Is my identity protected when I call WPHP out of concern for a colleague?
The identity of referral sources is safeguarded to the maximum extent permitted by law. Additionally, Washington State law provides immunity from civil liability to all reporting sources, whether it is a fellow healthcare professional, a family member, or another concerned party. Please refer to Washington Administrative Code 246-16-200 through 246-16-270 for reporting requirements for healthcare professionals, employers of healthcare professionals, hospitals, and others licensed by the Department of Health in the state of Washington. License holders are required to identify any other licensed professional who has a physical or mental condition that may affect his or her ability to practice with reasonable safety. When there has been no incident of patient harm, reports of potential impairment as a result of such conditions can be submitted to WPHP or to the Department of Health. We strongly recommend that a concerned party fulfill this requirement by contacting WPHP.
What health conditions does WPHP help with?
WPHP assists healthcare professionals with any health condition that may impact clinical performance. Examples include mental health disorders, non-psychiatric health conditions, cognitive concerns, substance-related concerns, depression, anxiety, suicidal thinking and behavior, burnout, trauma, and stress.
How can WPHP help in cases of disruptive behavior?
In some cases, recurrent disruptive or unprofessional behavior may be the result of a health condition. After initial efforts to address the behavior have not been successful, a referral to WPHP may be an appropriate next step. WPHP will work with the professional to identify and address health issues that may be causing or contributing to the behavior. In the absence of an impairing, or potentially impairing, health condition, WPHP can offer support and resources but does not usually recommend a health support agreement.
In our experience, persistent disruptive behavior that is not due to a health condition is best managed through the employer or credentialing entity’s process for remediation and progressive discipline.
Will I be reported to my licensing board?
If you are a healthcare professional who self-refers to WPHP, you will not be reported to your licensing board unless you are not compliant with WPHP’s recommendations and/or pose a risk to yourself or others.
Are there situations where I must contact the Department of Health instead of WPHP?
Patient safety incidents must be reported to the Department of Health. A call to WPHP does not fulfill your reporting obligation when there has been clear patient harm as a result of a healthcare professional’s impairment (WAC 246-16-220). A call to WPHP does not fulfill your reporting obligation if the healthcare professional has committed sexual misconduct. The Department of Health’s definitions of such behaviors can be found here: WAC 246-16-100.
Is there a fee for your services?
There are no fees associated with the initial referral except for toxicology lab fees. Participants who enter into a health support agreement are billed for WPHP’s ongoing support services during the length of the contract and may also be billed for ongoing toxicology lab fees when required.
Do you accept insurance?
WPHP does not provide diagnosis or treatment. As such, our services are not covered by health insurance. WPHP makes referrals for additional evaluation and treatment which your health insurance plan may or may not cover. WPHP tirelessly advocates with payors and providers to mitigate out of pocket care expenses for our participants. In addition, WPHP provides need-based scholarships, funded from charitable donations, to assist with evaluation and treatment expenses. For more information and to apply for financial assistance, please see WPHP’s Financial Assistance page.
What type of financial assistance is available?
WPHP may be able to provide financial assistance to program participants with financial need. Financial aid awarded through WPHP includes grants towards evaluation and treatment, fee deferrals, and Reunion scholarships. For more information and to apply for financial assistance, please see WPHP’s Financial Assistance page.
What if I am the family member or other support person of a healthcare professional?
WPHP welcomes family and key supports as partners in the healing journey. Please see our Family Services & Support Section for more information.
Does WPHP have a Conflict-of-Interest and/or Anti-Kickback Policy?
Yes. WPHP adheres to strict guidelines and refrains from any acts that could reasonably be perceived as a conflict of interest or kickback. This includes not accepting any material gifts, favors, benefits, financial assistance, or kickbacks from individuals or organizations that receive referrals from WPHP for evaluation and treatment or any other entity that conducts business with WPHP with the expressed, implied, or perceived expectation of influencing WPHP decisions regardless of intent.
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