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WPHP Deploys Virtual Technology for Office and Groups to Combat Spread of COVID-19

WPHP is always focused on promoting physician health in Washington State, maintaining the physician workforce and protecting patient safety. This has never been more important than during this time of COVID-19, when every health care professional is critically important to maintaining our health care infrastructure.

To stem the spread of COVID-19 generally and to reduce the risk that the health care professionals we support will be exposed to the virus, WPHP has taken the following steps:

  • Moved to virtual office operations as of March 9, 2020. WPHP remains fully operational with staff providing high-quality services to participants and stakeholders via HIPPA compliant video conferencing technology, email and phone.
  • Moved WPHP facilitated group meetings onto its video conferencing platform, starting with King County groups on March 9, 2020, and rolling out to the rest of Washington State in the coming days.
  • Developed strategies to mitigate other exposure risks that might be associated with WPHP monitoring.

WPHP is exploring additional opportunities to promote physician health such as making its video conferencing platform available to support peer-led recovery meetings for WPHP participants across Washington who need an alternative to their usual in-person meetings.

WPHP is fully committed to doing everything we can to help physicians stay healthy and strong during these challenging times. Do not hesitate to contact us if you know of a physician who is struggling and could use our services, or to discuss additional ways we may be able to provide support.